In his latest movie BIVAFA meaning UNFAITHFUL , Hamid is looking over weight and chubby.
He plays a doctor from a high class family in Iran , which is reasonable enough for him to look fat!!
But whether he gained weight for the movie or due to his mom's cooking is not clear yet!
The question is will the media in Iran and especially his female fans accept this new look and still find him hot ? or will this lead to his unpopularity?
Iranian Cinema has made great progresses in creating a sacred image from the actors and artists in the mind of audience.Accroding to this philosophy Art is an inspiration from God and people who go for it at any level will be praised by the society.
This is where people do not care about the body and look of the actor as much as they care about his ability in performing his role.
I guess knowing this , Hamid decided to break his diet and go for a life where he can eat anything he wants and still remain people's No.1 Actor!