Friday, March 16, 2007
A long journey;Dani and I to a Misunderstanding!
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Hamid & Directing
Monday, February 12, 2007
Hamid's newest movie
Unfortunately Hamid did not have any spectacular movie to be nominated for the Simorgh Boloorin or the Best Leading Actor Award this year, but no worries as he has promised to find more complicated scripts with better directors that will guarantee him the Best actor Award for next year.
Now as we are getting close to the end of this year,Hamid has expressed his views about the Iranian film industry as said to one of his friends and fans on internet:
"Iranian film Industry is getting poor attention and budget.We work hard but the result we get is not as expected since the facilities are very limited and in many cases we don't have any.
If I were not in love with acting,I would have left cinema long ago.
It's a sad story."
That was the lates news so far.
see ya
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Chubby Hamid! Will his new image succeed?

In his latest movie BIVAFA meaning UNFAITHFUL , Hamid is looking over weight and chubby.
He plays a doctor from a high class family in Iran , which is reasonable enough for him to look fat!!
But whether he gained weight for the movie or due to his mom's cooking is not clear yet!
The question is will the media in Iran and especially his female fans accept this new look and still find him hot ? or will this lead to his unpopularity?
Iranian Cinema has made great progresses in creating a sacred image from the actors and artists in the mind of audience.Accroding to this philosophy Art is an inspiration from God and people who go for it at any level will be praised by the society.
This is where people do not care about the body and look of the actor as much as they care about his ability in performing his role.
I guess knowing this , Hamid decided to break his diet and go for a life where he can eat anything he wants and still remain people's No.1 Actor!
Film Review;Chap Dast..Not smart enough!

It's an unusual romantic tale between Sami and Sara, a girl who has lost her short term memory.
Sami(Hamid Goodarzi) is a rich handsome boy who hangs out with his boys at a coffee shop and there he meets Sara(Leila Utadi).She comes to that coffee shop everyday and orders a birthday cake for her father's birthday.
After many attempts to know Sara , Sami finds out that she has lost her short-term memory in a car accident and forgets everything within 24 hours.So she follows the same routine every day thinking that it's her dad's birthday.
Sami aparently has got nothing else to do with his life except following this girl and at first it's like a game for him to talk to her every day and have a laugh! because she can't remember him the next day...but then it looks like he is getting used to it and finally falls in love with her! He tries to change the situation for Sara's family coming to them like an Angel from the sky..He uses cameras and films to record everything on behalf of Sara's memory and dares to explain the truth several times and remind her of her past.In the end they start a family together , a mother who doesn't remember her children and husband! She has to watch the tapes every morning to know all these...and well that sounds pretty sad!! if not to say silly!
and The movie is a remake of the hollywood product "50 first dates" that paires Adam SandlerDrew Berrymore in exactly the same story."50 first dates" is trying to be a comedy but it's not!instead it's only something not funny-not romantic. I would say "50 first dates" is a terrible movie in all aspects.
Fortunately in "Chap Dast" the silly American customs and sexy styles have been omitted and has made the movie bearable! But still there is not enough characterization.
We don't know anything about Sami(Hamid Goodarzi) except that he is rich, unemployed and lives with his grand mother.We don't know what kind of a guy he is and why is he so interested in Sara's situation.Sara's character is so boring and slow and it's not clear what is special about her that makes Sami stand by her side and what for?
Although Hamid Goodarzi has done a great job , creating a character out of a poor script! Leila Utadi on the other hand just didn't know what to do with her role.She appeared below standard and proved to be just a face with no motion and absolutely senseless.
Chap Dast has a fun story and a good actor like Goodarzi but it failes to be a good movie because it lacks creativity and originality.Filming the day to day life with a handy cam is just a bad immitation from "50 first dates" and it could be replaced by something like diary writing..or voice recording.And there are other questions like does Sara have to have 2 children? with such a serious brain damage?
But after all I assume Chap Dast is much better than it's American version and with Hamid Goodarzi it's definitely worth watching it.It's a terrible movie after all with a terrible director, yet it leaves a sweet taste because it has Hamid!